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1/11/23 - You Didn't Win..Go To Work

Wednesday 1/11/23


Cigarettes are Hazardous to Your Health Day

Girl Hug Boy Day

Learn Your Name in Morse Code Day

National Hot Toddy Day

National Milk Day

National Step in a Puddle and Splash Your Friend Day

Secret Pal Day

World Sketchnote Day

So you’re probably not a winner, but just in case you’d like to check your ticket, here is the Mega Millions site.

The Golden Globes were held last night and you can see all the winners here.


A single mom in Chicago needed her 11-year-old to defrost a lasagna before she got home . . . and had to track her down inside a VIDEO GAME to make it happen.

The mom's name is ChaCha Watson and her daughter's name is Miracle, or "Mira" for short. Screenshots from it have been making the rounds online.

They like to play games together through an app called Roblox. It's a platform where you can play lots of different video games. And their avatars are friends, so they can see when each other are online.

When Mira wouldn't answer the phone, her mom got on Roblox and saw she was in a game called "Berry Avenue" that's kind of like "The Sims".

So she popped into the game . . . sent a direct message telling her to take the lasagna and garlic bread out of the freezer for dinner . . . and it worked.

Mira was driving a car in the game when she got the message, but pulled over to run to the fridge. ChaCha says she posted the screenshots to show people what you have to go through to get your kid's attention these days.

The hole in the ozone layer — caused by the industrial use of chemicals like chlorine and bromine — has healed significantly in the 35 years since countries agreed to stop using them, according to the United Nations, and is on track to be fully repaired by 2066. So, it turns out that global climate issues can be solved when nations work together and keep their promises.

Pediatricians treating obesity should consider offering medication at age 12 and up and surgery at age 13 and up, according to new guidance from the American Academy of Pediatrics. A child has obesity if they are at or above their age and gender's 95th percentile of body mass index (BMI), a ratio of height to weight.

Elon Musk has set a Guinness World Record for losing the most wealth ever.

The Tesla and Twitter CEO erased so much of his money since November 2021 that he's broken the world record for the "largest loss of personal fortune in history.

Guinness reported the record after Forbes assessed Musk lost $182 billion, although other sources suggest that it could actually be closer to $200 billion.

Prior to Musk, the previous record for largest personal fortune wiped out was set by Softbank founder and CEO Masayoshi Son in 2000. According to Guinness, Son lost $58.6 billion.


It's the end of the line for Windows 7 and Windows 8.1. These older versions of Windows (plus Windows RT) stop receiving all security updates today, over a decade after their original releases.

Microsoft will also stop providing Microsoft Edge browser updates for these operating systems in a few days, and the remaining third-party apps that still work will eventually follow suit (Google Chrome support, most notably, ends early next month).

Windows 7 support for most people actually ended three years ago, but businesses that still used it could pay for up to three years of additional support while they transitioned to Windows 10 or 11. That window has now closed, and Microsoft isn't offering a paid support option for Windows 8.1.


Orkin just posted its 2023 list of the top cities for BED BUGS . . . and Chicago is #1 for the THIRD year in a row.

Washington, D.C. was #1 three years ago.

Each year, Orkin ranks the top 50 cities for bed bugs by looking at how many people had to use exterminators over the past 12 months.

New York City is second this year, and Philadelphia is third, after being second last year. The rest of the Top 10 are: Cleveland . . . Los Angeles . . . Detroit . . . Indianapolis . . . Baltimore . . . Washington, D.C. . . . and Columbus, Ohio.


Today's Useless Fact of the Day - Only four states still allow prisoners to have conjugal visits . . . California, New York, Connecticut, and Washington. And California and New York are the only ones who allow same-sex conjugal visits.


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