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7/1/22 Happy July and Holiday Weekend!

Friday 7/1/22


American Zoo Day

blink-182 Day - It's the 182nd day of the year. The day began after bassist and vocalist Mark Hoppus put out a tweet declaring it

Canada Day - Canada became a self-governing Dominion of Great Britain, after the passage of the British North America Act

Comic Sans Day

Devotion to Duty Day

Drive Your Corvette to Work Day

Early Bird Day

International Chicken Wing Day

International Joke Day

International Reggae Day

National Creative Ice Cream Flavor Day

National Financial Freedom Day

National Gingersnap Day

National Postal Workers Day

National Television Heritage Day

Second Half of the New Year Day

U.S. Postage Stamp Day

Zip Code Day - Zone Improvement Plan


Some colors cars hold their value better than others.

A new report from ranks all vehicle colors by how they depreciate over time, and one color does the best by far: YELLOW CARS.

An analyst says yellow cars keep their value because it's "among the least popular colors . . . so they're novel in the secondhand marketplace, and people are willing to pay a premium for them."

Orange vehicles are the second-best, followed by purple cars . . . red . . . green . . . blue . . . gray . . . beige . . . and silver. All those values remain above-average.

The color that holds its value the LEAST is brown. Gold ranked the second-worst, followed by black . . . and white.


You're twice as likely to die in the next decade if you're unable to balance on one foot for 10 seconds, according to a new study.

Conversely, the study suggests that your ability to balance on one foot points to longer life expectancy.

The peer-reviewed study conducted by Brazilian researchers, published Tuesday in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, determined that a person's balance ability can be preserved into the sixth decade of one's life – meaning it's more broad of an indicator of life expectancy across age ranges than aerobic fitness, flexibility or muscle strength.

The lead author of the study says, "If you are younger than 70 years, you are expected (as the majority of those at that age) to successfully complete the 10 seconds,"


The perfect summer fire starter: Place all the built up dryer lint inside some empty toilet paper tubes. These light up quickly and will burn long enough to catch all your kindling.


A survey asked people what BUG they're fearing the most this summer . . . and unlike the past two summers, it isn't COVID-19.

45% of people said the "most-feared" bugs this summer are MOSQUITOES . . . 17% said FLIES, especially the ones that bite . . . and wasps and bees were tied for third place, with 14% of the vote each.

The survey also mentioned people fearing ticks, but it's unclear what percentage they got. Other annoying summer pests that could've made the list include: Ants, roaches, and fruit flies.


America drinks the most Mountain Dew of any country in the world . . . randomly, Pakistan is number two.


Today's Useless Fact of the Day - In the past 3,500 years, there have only been approximately 230 years of world peace. In other words, there's been at least one war going on for 93% of human history.


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